Mentorship begins 27 January 2024. Limited spaces available.

What's included in the mentorship?

Weekly group video calls with Andy Krieger
Weekly office hours to get feedback on your trading
Alumni community access at the end of the mentorship
Learn Andy's strategies and fine-tune your market view

Here's what you'll achieve by the end of your 12-week mentorship with Andy

The mentorship is for all ability levels, whether you’re a seasoned trader or just getting started. The goal of the 12-week process is for you to be able to achieve the following:


Analyse and forecast directional price moves

You'll follow live market situations with Andy, giving you the chance to learn first-hand how he analyses the markets to find opportunities with huge potential. You'll also be able to refine your current analysis approach under Andy's guidance.


Assess the expected future range, volatility, and timing of moves

Getting the direction of the underlying market right is only a small part of the challenge.  You'll also learn about options trading, which involves fine-tune many other aspects of the anticipated move:  the magnitude, the timing, the velocity, and the overall pattern of the movement.


Strategically structure your trades to optimally align with your view

You'll learn how to design a trade structure that correctly expresses your market views. When using options, the strategy might be quite complex, involving the buying and selling of multiple options across multiple time periods to profit from aspects such as the expected levels of volatility.

Master a more flexible approach to trading

In addition to learning forecasting techniques, you'll learn how to use options as part of your trading strategy. Andy will teach you his strategies and set assignments for you to forecast certain market moves and design different options strategies to best capture them. Here are some of the topics that will be covered:
Understanding the different types of options
The parameters that go into options pricing
Options trading strategies and when to use them
How the various Greeks function (delta, gamma, vega, etc. - i.e., sensitivity analysis)
How to convert a market idea into an option trading strategy
How to manage a portfolio of options

Case Study: Andy's Trades
See What You'll Be Learning

Check out Andy's case study for a preview of the way you'll be analyzing opportunities and structuring trades.

How the mentorship works...

Live Sessions
Each week there will be a live group video call with Andy Krieger. This isn't just a lesson, it's a hands-on interactive session that you'll participate in. As a group, you'll analyse current market situations, pinpoint opportunities, and learn how to structure appropriate trade strategies. Throughout the 12-week mentorship, you'll participate in engaging discussions and execute real trades under Andy's guidance.

Office hours
Andy's dedicated weekly office hours ensure you can dive deeper into your strategies, tweak your approaches, and ensure they are best suited for you. This isn't a one-size-fits-all program; Andy helps you craft a trading approach tailored to your unique style and strengths.

Alumni community
At the end of the 12-week mentorship, you'll be invited to an exclusive community with fellow members so you can continue to follow the markets together. This will allow you to expand your horizons beyond the mentorship. Connect, share, and possibly collaborate with fellow traders. Who knows? Your next big opportunity might emerge from these newfound connections.

Join the Group

Limited spaces available to learn from this Hall-of-Fame Trader

Very few traders get the opportunity to develop under someone widely regarded as one of the greatest traders of all time.

With Andy, it's not just about techniques; it's about immersing yourself into the very psyche, principles, and unparalleled strategies of someone who's been at the pinnacle of trading for decades.

More than just numbers and strategies, with Andy as your guide, you’ll delve deep into the art of trading. This is an art that demands introspection and self-awareness as much as market acumen. It’s not just about understanding the market; it's about understanding yourself, aligning your distinct personality with the trading tactics you employ. 

But this won't be available to everyone. The mentorship group is strictly limited to a maximum of 20 traders, on a first-come, first-served basis. This ensures that Andy can give you direct hands-on support during this 12-week journey.

Secure Your Place

"Nobody knows better than Krieger what it takes to participate in the high-stakes, gut-wrenching world of foreign exchange."

Paul Tudor Jones
Founder, Tudor Investment Corp

"Krieger was a pioneer, in the sense he was one of the few people in the world who understood the options market before it was really established. He blazed a trail"

Sir John Key
Former Prime Minister of New Zealand

Here's a summary of what's included

This is more than just a trading mentorship. It's an investment in a future where you harness insights, guidance, and strategies from one of the world's greatest ever traders.

Paid Marketing - Course X Webflow Template

12-week mentorship from Andy Krieger

This isn't a passive learning experience. Interact live with Andy, soak in his insights, ask your questions, and get feedback tailored to your trading style.

Move Fast - Course X Webflow Template

Weekly group video calls

Engage with Andy and fellow traders in thought-provoking discussions, strategy breakdowns, and market scenario analyses, all within a dynamic collaborative space.

Email - Course X Webflow Template

Weekly office hours

Extra weekly time slots with Andy, dedicated to addressing your trading and answering your unique questions

Content Marketing - Course X Webflow Template

Live session video replay recordings

You'll receive videos from all the live sessions, so you can go back through all the lessons and discussions to study them deeply.

Be Collaborative - Course X Webflow Template

Access to the alumni community

At the end of the 12-week mentorship, you will be given access to the exclusive community. You can follow the markets and share insights with fellow members.

Be Open - Course X Webflow Template

A copy of Andy's book The Money Bazaar

You'll receive an updated 2024 edition of Andy's book The Money Bazaar. He details some of his famous trades and shares his market principles.

A final message from Andy

In this mentorship, we will explore various techniques for finding attractive opportunities in the markets, discuss different ways to compare those opportunities, and finally, discuss how to monetize them.

Trading is much more complex than just following some pre-established rules and executing a trading strategy. People think the essence of trading is all about basic mathematics. That might be true to some extent, but the difference between good traders and great ones relates to how well they know themselves and how well they can control themselves.

We are all wired differently, and when our trading approach aligns with our basic psycho-emotional construct, we set ourselves up for success.

As part of this process, we will examine various trading strategies and learn how to select the ones that match our temperament and psychological make-up.

Some people need quick gratification, and if they don't get it, their frustration clouds their judgment. Others are very patient and feel comfortable waiting methodically for things to play out as forecasted. Some people only feel empowered when they are taking risks, while others prefer to be more cautious.  Some people are logical and analytical, while others rely heavily on intuition and "feel."  

No one strategy suits all, so we will try to help everyone determine a trading strategy that matches up best with their temperament and internal process.  Self-analysis is a critical component of trading, so trading is not just about making profits and managing losses.  It is also about self-exploration.

That is not to say that my course won't have lots of numbers in it. It will. We will analyze a variety of technical approaches to reading the market, and we will also review fundamental analysis and its role in trading.  I have always blended these analytics in my trading strategies, but there is no one correct path for everyone.

I will also spend considerable time covering options trading because in my experience, this often-neglected and poorly utilized trading tactic is the "nuclear weapon" that smart traders can deploy to make exceptional gains in the cash and spot markets.

One of the reasons I have been successful for so long is that I use option strategies as an integral part of my trading, and in this class, I will teach you how to do this yourself. By the end of the course, I hope you will be on the way to developing a strategy that is most suitable for you.

Andy Krieger

Secure your place in the mentorship group

Limited place available. Sessions begin on 27 January 2024.

One-Time Payment
12 Live Sessions With Andy
Weekly Office Hours With Andy
Feedback and Guidance  on Your Trades and Analysis
Video Replays of Live Sessions
Access to alumni community
A copy of Andy's book The Money Bazaar (2024 edition)
Payment Plans
Multiple options at checkout
12 Live Sessions With Andy
Weekly Office Hours With Andy
Feedback and Guidance  on Your Trades and Analysis
Video Replays of Live Sessions
Access to alumni community
A copy of Andy's book The Money Bazaar (2024 edition)

Frequently asked questions

Is this mentorship really worth it?

As long as you are prepared to devote the time and energy to really learning. The cost reflects the unparalleled experience and insights you'll be receiving from a trading icon. Think of it as an investment: the strategies you'll learn have the potential to greatly surpass the initial cost in terms of profitable outcomes.

I've tried other trading courses before. How is this different?

What sets this apart is Andy Krieger's direct involvement. Instead of generic advice, you're getting personalized feedback, real-time market sessions, and tried-and-tested strategies from a legend. The connections you make in this course alone can be a game-changer for your trading career.

I'm already an advanced trader. What can this mentorship offer me?

It caters to all levels. For advanced traders, it provides a chance to fine-tune strategies, gain fresh perspectives, and connect with elite traders, including Andy himself. It's about enhancing what you already know and taking it to the next level.

Will Andy's teachings genuinely improve my trading?

While the markets are unpredictable, Andy's methods are grounded in four decades of success. He has mentored numerous traders over the years, with many making significant names for themselves in the industry. This mentorship offers you the same insights that have propelled many to success.

How do I know this isn't just another overpriced training?

Andy's reputation is the benchmark of credibility. His accolades and achievements are a testament to his prowess. This isn't about selling a course; it's about passing on a legacy of trading wisdom. The fact that Andy will be live in all lessons and will be hosting regular “office hours” is testament to the fact that he will be personally invested in the growth of his students.

Krieger in the Media

Since the 1980s, Andy's achievements in the financial markets have been discussed in some of the biggest mainstream publications in the world.

"Just 31 years old, Andrew J. Krieger was Bankers Trust Co.'s most valuable employee in 1987. Trading currencies, he earned $300 million for the bank, and for his efforts he was paid $3 million in salary and bonus, mostly bonus. That's a stunning sum, and almost twice what the company's chairman got in his pay envelope last year. It was quite an achievement for a young man who just four years ago was studying Sanskrit in graduate school."

Wall Street Journal, Mar 1988: Andrew Krieger Made $3 Million Last Year; Why Isn't He Happy?

"Andrew J. Krieger, the successful young currency trader whose departure from the Bankers Trust Company in February set the Wall Street rumor mill buzzing, is quitting his second job this year. Mr. Krieger, who joined Soros Fund Management Inc. in April as senior portfolio manager, announced yesterday that he would form his own trading company"

New York Times, Jun 1988: Top Trader Quits to Start Own Firm

"Remember the Big Swinging Dicks made famous by Michael Lewis in his novel, “Liar's Poker”? One BSD merits such a mention. In the 1980s Andy Krieger was a star at Bankers Trust... In his heyday there, Mr Krieger made hundreds of millions of trading profits... And here is a measure of just how big a BSD Mr Krieger was. During 1987 he sold short (hoping to buy back more cheaply in future) more kiwis than the entire money supply of New Zealand."

The Economist, Dec 2004: Why Didn't I Think Of That?

"Within five years he had become the world's hottest currency trader, earning a stunning $300 million in 1987 for Bankers Trust Co. ... There are only a few people in the world whose resignation can grab a whole column on the front page of The Wall Street Journal. Nixon did it. Iacocca did it. And Paul Volcker did it. Andy Krieger did it too. That's because he was one of a handful of people who could throw markets into disarray by moving $1 billion worth of currency with the push of a few buttons on his car phone."

Philadelphia Magazine, Oct 1988: The Man Who Made Too Much

"For taking groundbreaking risks in foreign-exchange trading -- Krieger, in one of history's boldest trades, once single-handedly shorted the entire monetary reserves of New Zealand -- and for having the cantaloupes to tell the Street's biggest players to go screw themselves, Trader Monthly welcomes forex's most foremost genius as the latest inductee into the Trader Hall of Fame."

Trader Monthly, Oct 2005: Forex Folk Hero

"Krieger, a tall, quietly spoken 48-year-old, is not another aid worker or journalist filing a report on the disaster. He is one of Wall Street's foremost currency traders, who was once groomed as a successor to George Soros.In 1986 he became global head of currency options trading at Bankers Trust, where he increased profits from $56 million to $512 million in a year.Krieger's dreams today revolve around rebuilding coastal India. After the tsunami struck he hired a cargo aircraft, loaded it with $3.6 million (£1.9 million) of medicine and tried to fly it to India."

The Times, Feb 2005: Trader Brings Life After the Flood

Secure your place in the mentorship group

Limited place available. Sessions begin on 27 January 2024.

One-Time Payment
12 Live Sessions With Andy
Weekly Office Hours With Andy
Feedback and Guidance  on Your Trades and Analysis
Video Replays of Live Sessions
Access to alumni community
A copy of Andy's book The Money Bazaar (2024 edition)
Payment Plans
Multiple options at checkout
12 Live Sessions With Andy
Weekly Office Hours With Andy
Feedback and Guidance  on Your Trades and Analysis
Video Replays of Live Sessions
Access to alumni community
A copy of Andy's book The Money Bazaar (2024 edition)